
Constructive dialogue or mere rhetoric – time will tell

The Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, along with its coalition partners truly wants all the opposition parties to take part in the work of the Committee on Comprehensive Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation. In my opinion, the ruling coalition in cooperation with the representatives of the NGO sector and the academic union committed to and prepared a whole range of amendments to laws thus creating grounds for further talks. Time will tell the citizens of Montenegro and the international community about the democratic abilities of all of us, and whether this all is just a mere rhetoric, DPS MP Ms Jovanka Laličić tells Dnevne Novine daily.

The Committee’s session will be held tomorrow and the representatives of the Democrats will take part in its work, while constantly assuring the public that the Committee “will play by their own rules.”

Commenting on the differences between the first and second decision on establishing the Committee, the chair of the Parliamentary Legislative Committee and member of the Working Group for Drafting Electoral Legislation, says the latest Decision on Establishing the Committee, adopted on 31 July this year, doesn’t differ a lot compared to the one of October last year, when all the ruling and opposition parties, except the Democrats and URA Civic Movement, took part.

Ms Laličić reminded of the Committee’s main tasks: the optimization of the overall election atmosphere, the implementation of the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations referring to the 2016 parliamentary elections and 2018 presidential elections, the implementation of the recommendation denoted in the EC’s Progress Report, strengthening citizens’ trust into the election process…

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