
Đukanović exposed to the attacks of Vijesti again

After a slight lull in March and April this year, when the media focus was entirely on COVID-19 pandemic, on 4 May, right after measures were eased, Vijesti media increased the campaign against Montenegro’s president, Mr Milo Đukanović, Dnevne novine writes.

According to the latest analyses of the media scene, amount of negative information regarding Mr Đukanović jumped sharply in May, from 65 in April to 138 in May.

Data shows that, in April this year, the three media (TV, portal and press) released a total of 162 announcements concerning Mr Đukanović. A month later, there were 245 announcements, 38 of which were positive, 62 neutral and 138 negative.

“To sum up, the image of Mr Đukanović presented by Vijesti is negative again. It is considerably worse compared with April”, the analysis states.

The conclusion of every report made over the past year and a half is practically the same – Vijesti media concern is continuously creating negative image about the president, his family and friends, denouncing him as the main culprit for every problem in the country.

Data from monthly reports reveals many interesting details which indicate it is clearly an open campaign against the president.

Data also indicates that there was more negative editing of texts in Vijesti media in information concerning Mr Đukanović than any other functionary and politician treated in the analysis.

In figures it looks like this: from February last year, to 1 June this year, over 2.700 negative information about president was released. As far as other state functionaries and politicians are concerned, there was around 2.510.

In the same period, a total of 853 releases in Vijesti referring to Mr Đukanović and in which negative media influence has been identified, were recorded.

From January to the end of May this year, Vijesti media group released around 1.200 pieces of information concerning president, 720 of which were negative.

It is obvious that Vijesti continues to conduct fierce campaign against Mr Đukanović.

Seems like there’s no difference between Vijesti and Serbian media. Time will show in what part their interest match.


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