
Facts & Figures: Every citizen has two phone numbers


According to the latest report of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP), the number of mobile phone users in Montenegro amounted to 1,204,914 in the end of July, reported Dnevne Novine daily.

This means the number of active SIM cards was by 94.33 per cent higher than the population, i.e. almost every citizen of Montenegro has two active SIM cards for mobile phones.

“The number of users was by 7.46 per cent higher compared to figures in the end of June, and by 5.55 per cent higher compared to the same period last year,” the EKIP explained.

In addition, the mobile operator M:tel had the largest number of users in the end of July (416,047 users), followed by Telenor (409.382 users) and Telekom (379.485 users).

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