
Lower fees for the coffee shop gardens in Podgorica


Adoption of the decisions on administrative fees and local public utility fees, which stipulate reduction in fees, will reduce the revenue of the Capital by almost €500.000, said Mr Miomir Jakšić, secretary for finance.

“The basis for the introduction of local public utility fee is public area occupancy. This decision is going to have more repercussions. In my opinion, annual revenues will be €250.000 – €300.000 lower”, says Mr Jakšić.

Indoor garden space occupancy has had the highest reduction. One square meter of space now costs €15. One square meter of outdoor garden will cost €14 now.

Mr Jakšić said that all administrative fees had been reduced too.

“Almost 70 types of administrative fees have been reduced. This will mean lower revenues for the Capital”, explains Mr Jakšić.

Mr Dejan Stanišić, owner of “Mona Liza”, is satisfied with the reduction in local public utility fees.

“I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t sure if it was just a journalist trick or a genuine good intention of the Capital. I was pleasantly surprised”, said Mr Stanišić.

Setting up advertising boards on lighting poles – strictly prohibited

“The Law on Public Utility Activities prohibits setting up boards on infrastructure facilities which is a nonsense, since you can find that everywhere around the world. This is the way of forbidding our company to earn money. Representatives of the Ministry of Tourism told us that the existing boards had to be removed. I am wondering now what would happen if we terminated the contract with the companies that are being advertised. We would be sued and our company would meet the expenses for removing the existing billboards”, said Mr Jakšić.


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