
Putin will keep wielding his influence on Montenegro


Vladimir Putin’s statement that he will keep cherishing good relations with Montenegro shouldn’t be seen as an opportunity for the improvement but rather as a threat, says for “Pobjeda” professor at the American University John Hopkins and an expert for the Balkans Daniel Serwer. He points out that Putin made his intentions clear in 2016, when he attempted a coup in Montenegro.

“The first man of the Russian Federation wants a Government which will conduct its policy in accordance with the  interests of Moscow. Russia will keep intervening into the internal affairs of Montenegro”, said Serwer.

Although Montenegro is now the member of the NATO alliance, Russia won’t leave it alone.

“You can be sure that Moscow will do anything to get involved into the Montenegrin affairs and to give its support to the politicians who are against NATO. The only way to be in good relations with Russia and maintain them is to always be watchful and suspicious about Russian actions”, he said.

Moscow will never give up on the region, anyway.

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