
Ten to Eight – Gendarme Reward

You are reading a daily contextual review of the news that marked the previous day.

By Ljubomir Filipovic, CdM observer

In Montenegrin jargon, there are police officers, and there are gendarmes. A police officer is an officer of the Police Directorate for whom Montenegro and service to citizens in accordance with the Constitution and laws are in the first place. The gendarme was an occupation policeman between the two wars who wore someone else’s uniform, served someone else’s king and committed crimes in Montenegro. Those who ordered and poisoned people in Cetinje that day, in my opinion, are gendarmes, not policemen.

The Prime Minister is now rewarding those gendarmes financially for a job well done. It would be good to pay them in dinars.

Instead of the police dealing with who was in the monastery that day, to punish those who exceeded their authority, the government continues to deepen divisions and undermine trust in institutions with such moves.

Reconstruction underway

PM Zdravko Krivokapic, after agreeing to reshuffle the government at the request of the Democratic Front and the Democrats, began talks yesterday with representatives of the parliamentary majority parties on the announced reshuffling. The first were his supporters from the list, with whom he has been waging a constant war since the formation of the government.

The URA Civic Movement MPs should declare whether they are in favour of the reshuffling of the 42nd government, said Parliament Speaker Aleksa Becic.

And they declared themselves. Milos Konatar, a member of the URA Civic Movement, answered him and said that the Black on White caucus and URA stick to the principled position that the reshuffling of the 42nd Government of Montenegro is possible only with respect to the expert non-party model. It’s really not clear to me why Abazovic spoke in Parliament then and with whose authority.

Are we moving towards another tiring marathon quarrelling between URA and Democrats? Judging by Democrats MP Martinovic’s statement/response to Konatar – here we go again.

Bratic’s values ​​and chaos in the ministry

The picture of Saint Sava should remain in the Kotor high school, says the Ministry headed by Bratic.

“Does the Government of Montenegro, PM Zdravko Krivokapic and DPM Dritan Abazovic support this decision of Minister Bratic, who puts her worldview ahead of the rule of law? If they do not support it, then it is time for them to initiate her dismissal”, says the Civic Education Centre.

While Bratic has zealously dedicated herself to such policies and decisions, there is administrative chaos in her ministry. Aleksandra Obradovic writes about the damage that illegal dismissals and appointments can cause.

DF’s empty threats

The DF’s threats to overthrow the government become more and more comical every time they are not carried out. And every time we understand more and more that this group of political members does nothing but makes politics in Montenegro cheap by gaining some slight advantages. September has passed, the law on the census isn’t discussed in Parliament and the government has not been overthrown yet. I don’t understand that there is anyone anymore who takes guys like Slaven Radulovic and the team seriously.

Fuel prices

Does Minister Milatovic think that the public is completely ignorant, so it cannot think logically: if the previous government raised excise duties, then this government can reduce them? – asks my colleague Miras Dusevic in his excellent analysis/comment on fuel prices.

Rada Barikada (Barricade) for Carevic

Raviojla Djakonovic, a member of the Budva SNP municipal committee, a longtime porter in the Municipality of Budva, who earned the nickname Rada Barikada due to her strictness and attention to the fact that people cannot enter the city hall improperly dressed, claims that the name of the party’s municipal committee was misused by the president of the SNP Budva municipal committee Krsto Radjenovic.

Consolation prize for Fr. Gojko

Father Gojko is the new archpriest of Podgorica and Kolasin, the Church of Serbia in Montenegro announced. The new position was designed to restore confidence in the organization after Perovic was removed as the chancellor of the Cetinje seminary. I think this should be seen most in the light of the Podgorica and Kolasin elections next year when Fr. Gojko is expected to do his part of the job in the campaign.

That’s it for today and this week. See you again on Monday.

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