
Lažni Kim Džong Un među navijačicama Sjeverne Koreje

Imitator Kim Džong Una otišao je među navijače Sjeverne Koreje u Pjongčangu kako bi ih pozdravio, ali njegov nastup nije najbolje prošao.

Za sada je poznato da se zove Hauard, da je iz Australije, da je porijeklom Kinez, i da je tokom susreta ženskih hokejaških reprezentacija Ujedinjene Koreje i Japana došetao do grupe navijačica iz Sjeverne Koreje.

Kim Jong Un impersonator interacts with the North Korean cheering squad at the Winter Olympics 2018

I went to the women's #IceHockey game between #Japan and the united #Korean team as the #DearLeader . I managed to meet the #NorthKorean #CheeringSquad who have been flown to South Korea as a propaganda tool for the NK regime. Meeting them in the character of the Supreme Leader was quite a surprise for them and their reaction ranged from surprise, shock and even some mild giggling. They were having fun, however their North Korean "minders" wasn't a fan of my impersonation so I moved by force to the next section to cheer on the Korean team.It's been reported that I was dancing, however as you can see on this video this is not true, nothing against dancing but really I was just waving the flag.You can see the 1st half of the unedited version of whole adventure below. I will upload the 2nd half when I get escorted out of the arena by some what I am suspect are pissed off North Koreans or North Korean sympathisers.Note: I give my permisssion to any news organisations and journalists to use this footage on their site as long as you give credit to me and this webite plus plus informing the link of your report. Also you must acknowledge that I am the owner of this footage.#WinterOlympics #PyeongChang2018 #김정은 #金正恩 #KimJongUn #冒牌金正恩 #A貨金正恩 #NorthKorea #DPRK #北韓 #강성대국 #金仔 #prank #cheerleaders #Seoul #southkorea #icehockey #bestoftheday

Posted by Howard X – Kim Jong Un 김정은 Lookalike & Impersonator A貨金正恩 冒牌金正恩 on Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ipak, one nisu najbolje reagovale na njegovu šalu.

U prvi mah je totalno ubio navijačku atmosferu, a dame su ga zatim ignorisale.

Uskoro su se pojavili i muškarci, koji su se pobrinuli za to da lažni Kim nestane.

“Udarali su me i vikali nešto na korejskom, bili su zaista ljuti”, rekao je Hauard, koji inače živi u Hongkongu.

Nakon toga su ga okružili policajci iz Južne Koreje koji ga nisu pustili da ode, kako ne bi nastradao.

Pušten je tek kada se utakmica završila.

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