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Video mladića koji slavi pobjedu nad leukemijom rasplakao svijet

Matt rejoices during end-of-treatment clap out for leukemia

An emotional clap out brought tears to the eyes of everyone there. “Today was the happiest day of my life,” said 19-year-old Matt Driscoll. “After 3.5 years of receiving chemotherapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, I finally got my last treatment and got to ring the bell. This could not have been done without my family, friends, and God.”On average, our Showers Family Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders cares for 8 newly diagnosed children with cancer each month. It’s moments like this that inspires us all. Best wishes to Matt for a healthy, bright future!

Posted by Akron Children's Hospital on Friday, January 3, 2020

Nakon tri i po godine borbe s akutnom limfoblastičnom leukemijom i primanja hemoterapije konačno je dočekao posljednju terapiju i zvonce.

“Danas mi je najsrećniji dan u životu”, rekao je 19-godišnji Met Driskol.

Naime, u centru za liječenje dječjeg karcinoma i poremećaja krvi Showers običaj je da, kad pacijent završi s liječenjem, zazvoni zvoncem, okupe se i drugi pacijenti i zajedno slave pobjedu.

“Ovo se ne bi desilo bez moje porodice, prijatelja i Boga”, rekao je Met.

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