
Disinformation pandemic is more dangerous than the virus pandemic

Predrag Bošković

Disinformation pandemic is much more dangerous than the virus pandemic. We are going to go through this virus crisis but the disinformation pandemic will persist, said in the interview for Dnevne novine Mr Predrag Bošković, Minister of Defense.

What challenges have the Armed Forces of Montenegro been faced with since the coronavirus outbreak?

Mr Bošković: Armed Forces of Montenegro have always been in service of citizens. Our members are constantly on the terrain. We have responded to this challenge responsibly. We have well-trained army, as we have been working on it for years. Now we have a helicopter squad which can carry out medical evacuation.

What activities Armed Forces of Montenegro are engaged in? How many members of the army have taken part in the activities?

Mr Bošković: Two hundred men and women are deployed in different tasks related to the fight against coronavirus. Work of the service for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense is of particular importance. Mobile teams for decontamination are active. They take care of healthcare institutions, barracks and public institutions as well. Teams are on terrain, committed to their job. So far, 665 different forms of means of transport have been decontaminated and 410.000 square meters of different areas.

What’s your comment on the statements that there was no need for the engagement of the armed forces?

Mr Bošković: Army was engaged any time civil institutions required help, even if there was no state of emergency. One of the three missions of the Armed Forces is providing assistance to civil institutions and citizens. Role of the Armed Forces in the current situation is very important in the suppression of the infection.

Coronaviurs pandemic was used for spread of disinformation. Montenegro was denounced for covering up data on the number of infected persons and number of deaths… What’s your opinion on that?

Mr Bošković: Montenegro has been on the impact of various disinformation campaigns for several years. Therefore, this comes as no surprise. Now the goal is to present Montenegro as incapable and not strong enough to counter this unprecedented challenge. It will turn out eventually that disinformation pandemic is much more dangerous than the virus, because we are going to go through this virus crisis, but the disinformation pandemic will persist, especially as elections are getting closer. However, we’ll adequately respond to that too.

What are plans for the NATO missions? Will our soldiers return to Afghanistan and Latvia?

Mr Bošković: The pandemic is affecting the work of contingents of our army. Their task are being carried out in line with the guidelines of the National coordination Body and NATO commands. Developments are being carefully monitored and future decisions regarding the engagement of our soldiers in international operations will be rendered in accordance with the situation.

What’s your opinion of the cooperation among  NATO allies in fight against the pandemic?

Mr Bošković: NATO was designed to respond to crises. No crisis has ever been so global as this one, but the Alliance has proven to be committed to fundamental values. It has demonstrated high level of unity and solidarity. It has put at its disposal its capacities and is actively working on finding solutions for suppression of the pandemic.

I will reiterate that solidarity of NATO allies is of paramount importance in responding to any form of crisis. Several members provided valuable donations.

One officer on the Ministry positive for COVID-19

Are there coronaviurs cases among your employees? What’s health condition of our soldiers in international missions?

Mr Bošković: There are no coronavirus cases in the army. Although they are on the front line, they are vigilant. Currently, we have two members in self-isolation and one in quarantine.

Members of our army in international missions are in stable health condition and there are no infections among them.

One officer was put in quarantine in Span for reasons of precautions, because of one his counterparts tested positive for the virus. Our officer tested negative and he will go on with his regular activities in that mission.

One officer of the Ministry of Defense, in KFOR mission, tested positive for the virus on Friday but shows no symptoms. He is in quarantine and is in stable condition.


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