
Djukanovic in Srebrenica: Balkan history has spoken here with its most terrible cry

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, who attended the commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide victims, wrote in the book of condolences.

President Djukanovic, among other things, wrote that half a century after the Holocaust, European civilization was once again killed in Srebrenica.

“I bow to the shadows of the victims of Srebrenica. In Potocari, words are losing their meaning, because here Balkan history has spoken with its most terrible cry. Half a century after the Holocaust, European civilization was once again killed here. All that remains for us is to cherish with immense sadness the memory of the innocent victims of genocide and to regret that we are contemporaries of the greatest crime in Europe after the World War II. This obliges us not to allow the truth about the great Srebrenica suffering to be revised. Peace to their souls. May it will never happen again”, President Djukanovic wrote.

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