
Mujovic for CdM: No more excuses – if EPCG and Steelworks management don’t do their job properly, I’ll ask for dismissal of those responsible

Saša Mujović (Foto: Vlada Crne Gore)

Minister of Energy and Mining Sasa Mujovic is determined to put the energy sector in order. In the conversation for CdM, the minister clearly says – in case the management of Montenegro’s power supplier (EPCG) and Steelworks do not do their job properly, he will demand personal responsibility.

Speaking about the situation in Steelworks, Mujovic has told CdM that the commission for the implementation of the procedure for the public call for leasing the capacities of the smithy and steelworks, after two unsuccessful public calls, made a recommendation to start the negotiation process with all companies that expressed readiness for business cooperation. The negotiations are planned to begin on 8 May 2024.

It indicates that the internal organization within EPCG and Steelworks must be the best possible in order to avoid any failure that would make it impossible to carry out the activities on the basis of which the employees earn personal income.

“In the event that the EPCG and Steelworks management do not do their job properly, I announce that I will demand personal responsibility”, the minister is clear.

Answering CdM’s question whether the business of SOLAR Gradnja is threatened, and whether the company has a future, Mujovic states that SOLAR Gradnja has a perspective if everyone does what they are paid for.

When asked to say whether politics still dominates energy sector companies, and whether and how much of a problem it creates when we talk about the future of these companies and their results, the minister has answered in the affirmative.

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