
Region also appalled by Abazovic’s speech in Potocari

Dritan Abazović

PM Dritan Abazovic’s statement that Srebrenica was not committed against Bosniaks, but against people, and that it was not committed by the army, but by politicians, has horrified the local public as well as the public in the region. The media in the region are reporting the statements of numerous officials who are shocked by Abazovic’s statement.

The director of the Potocari Memorial Center, Emir Suljagic, has tweeted that it was only at midnight on 10 July that the Srebrenica Memorial Center received the list of speakers (jurisdiction of the Organizing Committee).

“I apologize to the families of the victims of genocide for having to listen to the relativization of the facts established by the court 100 meters from the cemetery”, he has said.

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