
Second St. Peter’s Day Assembly

Good morning! You give DF a finger, it swallows your hand, then your arm up to your shoulder, until finally it swallows you whole. That’s how all bullies work. Concessions don’t appease vampires, they only irritate them. They will not stop at the Resolution on Jasenovac, nor at the citizenship or at the St. Peter’s Day Assembly.

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Second St. Peter’s Day Assembly

On 12 July 1941, on the day of Saints Peter and Paul, St. Peter’s Day Assembly was held, at which the Independent State of Montenegro, a protectorate of Italy, was proclaimed in the presence of the Serbian Metropolitan for Montenegro Joanikije I and other dignitaries. Although many Montenegrins in the occupation by Italy, whose queen was a Montenegrin princess, saw an opportunity to correct the historical injustice of the annexation of Montenegro from Serbia, it turned out that this independence was only provisional and that the country would be nothing more than a colony of fascist Italy.

Today, under the Serbian Metropolitan for the south of Montenegro, Mr. Joanikije II, and supposedly with the pretext of the ordination of his deputy Paisius, as Bishop of Dioclia, an extension of the Serbian Assembly in the region is being prepared. This time it is not known where, what or who will sing at the gathering, we only know that the president of all Serbs has been invited.

Mandic and his followers do not give up on their intentions. They are also assisted by the Democrats. Who will insult Montenegro more and please the Serbian Church and the top of the state of Serbia.

While the prime minister lives in the future, his coalition partners are sabotaging his present. And Mandic does not stop. After the declaration of Croats and Germans as genocidal nations (if we apply the logic of Aleksandar Vucic’s regime, it would be read that way), the All-Serbs Assembly continues. The travelling circus moves from place to place from Serbian country to Serbian country. Banja Luka – Belgrade – Podgorica, a new axis for a new time.

That’s the plan. While PES naively underestimates DF, DF carries on working. And all to the beat of Belgrade. Vucic looks after Milan Knezevic, Knezevic doesn’t give Mandic peace, and Mandic then teases Spajic. And he probably explains everything by having to. Like they are pressing him. That’s how Vucic apologizes to Westerners. He says he must, pressured by voters and membership. He has to fool them with pro-Russian talk while selling weapons to the Ukrainians.

And everyone buys it. And now the visit of Michel has allegedly been canceled due to the Resolution. Croatia is a full member of the EU and as such can use all available resources to protect its interests. We can agree or disagree with their interests related to the genocide on the territory of the NDH during the Second World War, but the reality is that our membership in the EU depends on their mood. Whether the EU can stand dissatisfaction among the Montenegrin Serbs because of this is another matter.

For the most part, the government balances. They try to please everyone, with the fact that this one side is insatiably hungry and they deceive themselves if they are going to soothe and put them to sleep by constantly satisfying their needs. That hunger is insatiable. It swallows everything in front of it until it encounters a hard rock that is difficult to digest. Only when they are shown teeth do they learn to respect you.

That’s it for today. We wish you a pleasant rest of the day.

Kind regards,

Ljubomir Filipovic, CdM analyst and columnist

(The opinions and views of the columnist are not necessarily those of the CdM editorial staff)

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