
Threatening emails circulating, children being evacuated from schools, Ministry of Interior and Police Directorate keeping silent

Brđanin, Sekulović i Miljanić

Information that some schools and state institutions received threatening e-mails in the morning resonated in Montenegro.

Parents were contacted by several schools, telling them to pick up their children, which caused panic among children, parents and the entire Montenegrin public.

During that time, the Ministry of the Interior, headed by Sergej Sekulovic, and the Police Directorate, headed by Zoran Brdjanin were keeping silent.

There was just a brief protocol sentence: “We are taking measures within our competence, we will speak out during the day”. More than five hours have passed and the Montenegrin public is waiting for answers about today’s events.

The statement of the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Zoran Miljanic, appeared almost shyly in some media.

“Today’s case of a series of threatening e-mails to institutions coincides with the case of a false bomb alert at the TQ Plaza in Budva”, he said.

The news that upset the whole of Montenegro was not enough for the leaders of the security sector to urgently convene an extraordinary press conference to explain what is happening, what has been found out, whether there is reason for fear… In organized states, it is done first. But Montenegro is far from an organized state.

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