
War crimes should be dealt with by courts, not Leposavić


If there is knowledge about war crimes, genocidal intentions, crimes against humanity – then it should be dealt with by regular judicial bodies and courts in which these crimes don’t become obsolete, and not by a commission that can hardly be impartial in making decisions, says Croatian historian Hrvoje Klasić in an interview for Pobjeda.

In addition to statements about Srebrenica that provoked a reaction from both the domestic and international public, Minister of Justice Vladimir Leposavić announced during the PMQs the formation of a truth and reconciliation commission, which, according to Minister Leposavić, will have the task of determining “individual and collective cases regardless of ideological, national or political affiliation, in which individuals or groups have suffered a gross violation or deprivation of rights to life, liberty or property”.

Commenting on such an initiative, Mr Klasić says he opposes any such commission for revealing the truth, “especially the historical truth initiated by any state”. Montenegrin historian Adnan Prekić believes that any idea of forming a commission that would have the task of reducing complex historical processes to the level of a political compromise, is nothing but typical historical revisionism, scientifically unfounded and academically unacceptable.

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