
Zivkovic on whether DPS will be a deciding factor in case of suspension of support for Spajic’s Govt: No calculations, let’s run for election

The leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Danijel Zivkovic, says that his predecessor and former president of state Milo Djukanovic should not fear criminal prosecution. In the Nacisto talk-show on Vijesti TV, he called on the Prosecutor’s Office to, if there is anything incriminating against Djukanovic, initiate an investigation, or if there are no elements of a criminal offense, to finally put an end to that issue.

He recalled what Djukanovic’s political opponents were saying.

“The basic thesis of the previous decades was that Milo Djukanovic should be arrested. After the electoral defeat, Milo Djukanovic will bring out tanks to defend the electoral will of the citizens – that was the first thesis. What’s left of it? Handover and peaceful transition of power”, Zivkovic pointed out.

He further stated that the second thesis was that Milo Djukanovic would flee to Dubai by plane.

“Let’s be specific and clear – if there is anything incriminating about DJukanovic, the Prosecutor’s Office should open an investigation. There is no need to mystify it. If there is a need to review whether Djukanovic is responsible in certain cases, let it be reviewed, if there are elements for an indictment – let the indictment be filed, but if there are no elements of criminal responsibility, then let’s put an end to it and be done with it”, he said.

He pointed out that the representatives of the Democratic Front and the representatives of the centers in Belgrade and those who spoke today on the political terrain of Montenegro said that Djukanovic should be arrested necessarily.

“If someone thinks to deal with anyone in such a way, not only with Djukanovic, but any DPS member, it will not work that way”, Zivkovic said.

He added that Djukanovic told him in the conversation that he would be angry and offended if someone absolved him of his responsibilities because he had held some important positions in the previous period of time.

When referring to the mistakes made by DPS, Zivkovic said that they devoted ourselves to the development element, while on the other hand they did not pay enough attention to the standard of living of the citizens. The second mistake refers to insufficient communication with citizens-voters. At some point, “we thought that we are stronger than fate and that it will be enough that we are in a position of power and that there is no communication with the citizens about their real problems. The third thing is the general feeling of citizens’ perception of the lack of justice, we could have done more in building the rule of law”.

Zivkovic stressed that DPS considers the chief special prosecutor Vladimir Novovic to be a selective SKY prosecutor, and that there had been no criminal offenses for him since 30 August 2020.

Today, Montenegro is in a state of chaos, disorder, atrophy of all institutions, Zivkovic said.

In Montenegro, we have state-building parties on one side, among which the strongest is DPS, and on the other are parties of nationalism and populism.

“Today, we are, realistically, a minority in Montenegro”, stated Zivkovic.

He pointed out that in a few months, DPS would organize a congress at which the party’s new documents would be adopted, which would be diametrically different from what had been happening in the previous period.

When asked if DPS would cooperate with PES, Zivkovic said that they would cooperate with those who come to their political platform, while PES, as it is, is not their partner.

“There are no calculations. Let’s run for the election”, said Zivkovic.

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